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HR Happy Hour Network

HR Happy Hour Network


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At Work in America, the longest running and top downloaded HR podcast, focuses on human resources, management, leadership, and workforce technology. The show is hosted by Steve Boese, the Co-Chair of the HR Technology Conference and Trish McFarlane, CEO of H3 HR Advisors. 388438

On-Demand Episodes

HR Happy Hour - Episode 23 - '2010: Looking Ahead' Thursday, December 17, 2009 - 8PM EST Join Steve Boese and Shauna Moerke for the 2010: A Look Ahead' show presented in conjunction with the SmartBrief on Workforce. Joining... more

Episodes 22 - '2009 in Review' Thursday December 10, 2009 8pm EST Shauna and I will be joined by several members of the SmartBrief on Workforce Advisory Board for a '2009: A Year in Review' We will discuss the major news, trends,... more

'The Employer Branding Show' - Thursday, December 3, 2009 8PM EST The HR Happy Hour is back with to talk about 'Employer Branding'. What is Employer Branding, why is it important to an organization, and how is it different from... more

Episode 20 - 'Next Gen Recruiting' Thursday, November 19, 2009 - 8pm EST Last week on the show we were told that HR pros unwilling to get their hands dirty in Recruiting are called (by some) by another term - 'Secretaries'. So if you buy in... more

Episode 19 - 'Next Gen HR with the Fistful of Talent' - Thursday, November 12, 2009 - 8PM EDT What's next? We are tired of the 'Is HR Dead' talk. Let's look forward and stop whining and start delivering solutions. What does the Next... more

Saturday, November 7, 2009 Noon EST Once again the HR Happy Hour is back on the road, in Louisville, KY with a live show from the site of HRevolution, the first and only HR/Blogger/Social Media/Technology 'Unconference'. Steve... more

Wednesday, November 4, 2009 - 8pm EST, 7pm CST. The HR Happy Hour goes back on the road with a special live show from the Fail Spectacularly event in Chicago, IL. Details on the event can be found at www.failspectacularly.com.... more

Thursday, October 29 - 8PM ET Does HR really need to disappear? Is the whole idea of a central department to help manage all of an organization's talent really a relic? If HR is really dead, what happens to all the HR folks today? If HR is not... more

Thursday, October 22 8PM ET Shauna Moerke and I are looking for your craziest and wildest HR and workplace stories, we want to hear them. Employee relations nightmares? Most shocking things you ever found in a candidate background... more

Join Shauna Moerke and I Thursday, October 15 at a special time, 9PM ET for a really special Episode of the HR Happy Hour. Who knows more about people and relationships than HR pros? Is the relationship advice people are getting today... more
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