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"Boomer Talk" the place where boomers gather for Real Talk ...


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Conversations about managing the new normal, updated health care & financial systems, constant technology changes & basically embracing life as a baby boomer in this fast paced 21st century a.k.a. as the "Paradigm Shifts !"

On-Demand Episodes

Re- Assess * Re- Evaluate * Re- Think what Awareness & being Conscious means to you in 21st century. As the Paradigm continues to Shift. (P.S.) and the way people are living their lives changes and the way we handle our day to day... more

... blah, blah, blah!!! Hate to sound so totally UNexcited, but truth of the matter is it's another BIG Joke! the Social Security Benefit quasi- increase Basically if you've purchased anything anywhere lately, you already know the joke is on us,... more

If you have the opportunity to read this & to listen to the podcast (& the fact that you even know what it is!@#%) I am - GRATEFUL! And more Importantly the fact the we are here makes you & me - Full of GREATNESS! in one way or... more

2 Voices with the same song 'Stay Ready so you don't have to Get Ready' but slightly different reasons. In the world where most of us try hard to coexist, unfortunately there is much strife, literally & figuratively, manifesting itself in so... more

21st Century Literacy, the un-learn, re-learn & be willing to learn it again model, is all part of the Shifting Process. How /Where would you begin to think about Learning somthing new? (well it could be something you've been wanting to... more

At the risk of sounding redundant- "CHANGE Is Inevitable !" & "Rapid Change is Here to Stay!" You cannot escape this reality. A quick trip to any public educational institution, from elementary thru college, will open any Boomers eyes... more

The answer is to SHIFT your mindset! Because "WE" are still here, NOW is a great time to - RE- imagine RE- invent RE- Define ourselves RE- write your story from this point! CHANGE is inevitable so we must DECIDE to make some... more

& Just like that it's September 2022!!! Seasons change in many parts of the world, and definitely 3/4th's of the year is almost over everywhere, that's a change that we find hard to believe it went so fast? (only 120 days left till this eventful... more

CHANGE As we continue to adjust & re-adjust to 21st century life some things remain constant & "Staying Ready" no matter what the environment, is one of them. 2 Voices & 2 Perspectives on critical areas that may need to be... more

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