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Live in Religion

  • Live & Upcoming Episodes (302)
  • Randy’s Thursday Night

    in Christianity

    Randy’s Thursday Night - Offerings & Communion Plus
    LIve Video Feed: Front page
    Call 319-527-6737 for your personal prophetic word.
    Text PGN at 214-505-8719 to let Randy Chandler know you are waiting. Enjoy!

  • Recitation of the 18th sura of Quran entitled Kahf

    in Islam

    Join us every Friday morning at 7a.m. EST to hear another edition of a reading and recitation of the 18th Surah Al Kahf followed by the CWSC Friday Roundtable at 8a.m. EST with guests.
    The guests are partners of CWSC Model Community National Resource Directory. The Hosts of the Roundtable hears from the CWSC partners followed by comments and/or questions from the live audience
    This Weeks guests are:Directors Rachid Tachakort and 
    Connect on-line at AM360.org and by 24 hour streaming at (701)719-4197. Join us live in the studio by dialing (515) 605-9891 or (425) 292-4253. You can email us at info@cwsc.us or by Tweet @CWShuraa and like us on facebook - Community Wide Shuraa Conferece. Visit the website of our parent company, Community Wide Shuraa Conference, Inc., at cwsc.us or leave a listener comment at (910) 317-0297. Together we can remake the world. You are listening to AM360, the number one islamic radio station in the nation, where your intellect is respected ad your voice protected


    in Christianity

    YAHWEH has called us to a time of preparation, a period set aside for the wholehearted seeking of Him. The eternal promise stands that when we seek Him with all our hearts, we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13).
    Let's be a beacon of light in a dark world and spread the message!
    For those interested, you can call into the studio and unite our voices in prayer: Dial (319) 527-6089.
    All lines will be open unless there is background noise. Let's remember the words of Yeshua in Matthew 18:19, "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven."
    We believe that the Holy Spirit will meet us every morning on the prayer line.
    YAHWEH will not let us down!

  • THOE Presents Prophet Thomas E. Deckard

    in Religion

    The House of Ephraim Show

  • Above is Complete Uncivilized Evil Writing by The Europe-Primates Species.

    in Religion

    a.   The Kingdom of Mapungubwe, which was located near the northern border of present-day South Africa, at the confluence of the Limpopo and Shashe rivers adjacent to present-day Zimbabwe and Botswana, was the first Bantu kingdom in southern Africa, established in the 11th century
    b.    It seems there isn’t a specific record of any ancient civilization dredging four rivers in South Africa. Dredging, the process of remiving sediments and dedris from the bottom of the water, bodies, has been practiced by various ancient civilizations, such as the Mesoptamians and Egyptians 1. However, there isn’t clear evidence pointing to a specific group or individual responsible for dredging multiple rivers in ancient South Africa.  If you have any more details or another question, feel free to ask!. 
    The Above Is complete Uncivilized evil writing, by the EuropesHominids-Primates Species. The Monkeys of 3.5-4 million years ago, National Geographic report to develop them to developed, in South & Eastern Africa. 1.5 million years ago, all left Africa and settled in Europe, in the name Homo Erectus Species.  World history identity Hominid-Ape primates to date.  They crossbreed with the Hybrid Ingenous Human Beings, that become today's Europe Gay Homosexuals world-wide white-people. They have turned the Elohin gods Eridu first City, upside down!  
    Michael Tellinger and the Ancient Stone Structures of Africa Earth’s International Research Society welcomes our newest member Michael Tellinger! Michael is a musician, author, scientist, and an explorer from Mpumalanga, South Africa. Michael has been making groundbreaking discoveries about a vanished ancient civilization at the southern tip of Africa. 

  • Pray 14 Another

    in Religion

    Pray14Another brings the best in Christian Content;  Bible Study, Christian Theology, Open discussions, Preaching and Teaching.  Tues.- Fri. 6pm - 7pm  call in your prayer requests to Evangelist Hilda.  Our Motto comes from  James 5:16 16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.     1.    Tues. 7pm-8pm Nadine Wiggins - Talk through the Bible     2.    Wed. 7pm-8pm Apostle R. D. Wiggins - Christian Theology     3.    Thur.  7pm-8pm Stephen & Cathy Dubose Led By God Christian Ministries Preaching     4.    Fri.  7pm-8pm House of Manasseh Christian Ministries Assistant Pastor Evangelist Hilda preaches      H.M.C. Ministries

  • Apostle Margie Mercer Monday's - Friday's September 27th, 2024 at 7 PM EST

    in Religion

    Apostle Margie Mercer Monday's - Friday's September 27th, 2024 at 7 PM EST

  • Sabbath Day Restored

    in Christianity

    All who love God should do what they can to make the Sabbath a delight, holy and honorable. They cannot do this by seeking their own pleasure in sinful, forbidden amusements. They can do much to exalt the Sabbath in their families, and make it the most interesting day of the week. We should devote time to interest our children. We can walk out with them in the open air. A change will have a happy influence upon them. We can sit with them in the groves, and in the bright sunshine, and give their restless minds something to feed upon by conversing with them upon the works of God, and inspire them with love and reverence by calling their attention to the beautiful objects in nature. The Sabbath should be made so interesting to our families that its weekly return will be hailed with joy. In no better way can parents exalt and honor the Sabbath than to devise means to impart proper instruction to their families, and to interest them in spiritual things, giving them correct views of the character of God, and what he requires of us, in order to perfect Christian characters and to attain to eternal life. Parents, make the Sabbath a delight, that your children shall look forward to it, and have a welcome in their hearts for it. RH May 30, 1871

  • Prayer Works Ministry: Host Dr Evang. Sheila Hameen-Friday September 27, 2024

    in Christianity

    Praise the Lord! God bless everyone out there in radioland!  Welcome to the Prayer Works Ministry broadcast with your host Evg Sheila Hameen and co-hosts Evg Maybelle Edmond and Evg Dr. Khadijah Hameen.
    Prayer Works Ministry (PWM) is God-inspired and dedicated to prayer, inspiration, encouragement and preaching of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe in praying to God for all. You can be blessed, delivered, healed, uplifted, encouraged, inspired, and made whole through prayer and faith in God. We invite you to join us in worshipping and praising God!
    Evangelist Sheila Hameen is the watchcare minister for Holy Temple Church of God, and we are currently having in-person church services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at the Forest Park Senior Center in the afternoon at 3:30 p.m. located at 4801 Liberty Heights Ave, Baltimore, MD 21207. If you are in the area, we welcome you to stop in and worship the Lord with us!


    in Religion

    OUR going home to Heaven is nearer then when we began our race, it is not time to give up but to continue to persevere through daily repenting and weekly fasting believing God's word, please join us every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in our Corporate Fasting, servant of the Lord Jesus,,, Tonight Elvi Zapata will share with you what God has been showing him through dreams and visions regarding the end time, what is about to happen in Israel and around World The Lord Jesus showed me in a vision that when people support this program, The Lords Hour'' He would bless them abundantly, he showed me blessings coming to people's lives from different directions, it was amazing to see what our God can do for his sons and daughters. by supporting this program, you also support, the Poor of Israel Matthew 6:20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. Malachi 3:11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground, neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field,” saith the Lord of hosts. To Support IsraelPoor &Our Ministry www.thelordshour.org Donate@Treasures in Heaven, For Zelle Support Email; zapa999@msn also zapa9999@gmail.com shalom all NEW P.O BOX ,,,,,,THE LORDSHOUR  P.O BOX 6283 ASHEVILLE NC 28816   ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BASIC INSTRUCTION BEFORE LEAVING THE EARTH