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SDG 687 2024 End Game Update #52 “What is OSINT?”
in Christianity
We all want to know the truth about what’s really going on here in this crazy, confusing, often times chaotic world. So be sure to listen in for the forbidden news that you'll never hear on the Fake News and later in the message we’ll tie it all into a simple yet not easy truth, and that truth is JOY
The Bible says in 1 Peter 1:8 AMP Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and though you do not even see Him now, you believe and trust in Him and you greatly rejoice and delight with inexpressible and glorious joy,
So stay tuned to why its good to rejoice always even in the bad times because JOY is our strength when we choose to rejoice always in The LORD
The bottom line folks is that as believers we may be in this world but we are not of this world and as God’s people we are just pass in’ through. So let’s all REFUSE to be destroyed by this Luciferian all out war on humanity and be sure to stay tuned in to find out the latest news that the MSM will never tell you as we dive deeper and deeper into America’s new 911 events which are unfolding in slow motion while on steroids, but remember, it all started with this lab engineered, media manipulated, corona Virus Heist!
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in Motivation
Click the link or dial in and join the conversation 319-527-6754. Joining the conversation today are Hassan Shabazz President, and Kenneth Hunter of the Prisoners Rights Clinic in Richmond, VA. How was it possible for Guinea-Bissau, reputed to be one of the most backward countries in Africa, with no access to modern technology, ideas, or organizational forms, its population suffering under one of the most repressive colonial regimes, to build a victorious movement for revolutionary change?They could do this in areas where a more or less complete colonial silence and stagnation had previously reigned. Who were the men and women who conceived the possibility of liberation? Who forged the instruments, learned to use them, taught others to use them, and led these struggles through every kind of mental ambush and physical barrier? Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, and Sao Tome' produced a number of outstanding revolutionary thinkers who proved able to live their thought in their practice, and who, in doing that, displayed a rare and often decisive talent for explanation in writing and the spoken word. Among these thinkers was Amilcar Cabral. In 1956 he launched his revolutionary party. But if one had to define a single influential aspect of Cabral's approach, perhaps it would be his insistence on the study of reality. He said, "Do not confuse the reality you live in with the ideas you have in your head." Your ideas may be good, even excellent, but they will be useless ideas unless they spring from and interweave with the reality you live in. What is necessary is to see into and beyond appearances: to free yourself from the sticky grasp of received opinions, whether academic or otherwise. Only through a principled study of reality, of the strictly her and now, can a theory of revolutinary change be integrated with its practice to the point where the two become inseparable. This is what he taught. LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.
The Saturday Morning Entertainment Show
We are close to that day when so many people all around the world celebrate their holiday called Christmas. So to all the fans who celebrate this Holiday, its Merry Christmas from The Saturday Morning Entertainment Show.. So its peace and good will to all men with all the rest of the good old Christmas greetings. Then there is Kwaanza which begins on December 26. Yes it is the celebration of the season of the first fruits. Those who are culturally committed to it will celebrate Hannukah. And it's Carnival in Montserrat, St. Croix and St. Kitts. Whatever you do we wish you celebrate in peace love and togetherness and make it an end of the year celebration that you would want to remember for a long time. But as ususal, we'll take time out for conversation. So Let's Talk..
New York Mayor Eric Adams is contending that something is happening below the surface with young people. He states that the young people are being radicalized to hate America. How many times we have heard that song? Social distress have always been blamed on the young people. Since there will always be young people I guess there will always be social problems. But wait haven't these same problems existed long before the young people got here? What of the social administrators who come to us to vote for them with the claim that their claim that they have the knowledge and experience to solve the problems? Does this make sense? Come on in. Join the conversation or tell us what you want to talk about. We are always happy to hear from you.
Preparing to Make It in The Land of Plenty
in Religion
Join us each Saturday at 9:30 a.m. EST for an episode of Preparing to Make it in the Land of Plenty with Imam Delacie Ummah Phillips and guests for a practical discussion on what it takes at the individual, family and community level to truly be prosperous in America. How do we build a good life while enjoying liberty and the pursuit of true happiness. There's an increasing divide between the haves and have nots and between those capable of pursuing the American Dream with vigor and those becoming ever more disheartened by poverty, poor health care, under education, less job opportunities or access to capital, and unfair application of the rules of the game. Join Imam Delacie as he asks the group intellect to put their hearts, minds and hands together to work for real and lasting change.
Listen on-line at AM360.org and 24-hour live streaming (701) 719-4197! Live audience call-in to the studio at (515) 605-9891 or (425) 292-4253. Email us at info@cwsc.us, tweet @CWShuraa, like us on Facebook, Community Wide Shuraa Conference. Visit AM360 parent corporation Community Wide Shuraa Conference at cwsc.us or leave a listener comment at (910) 317-0297. You're listening to AM360, the #1 Islamic Radio Station in the Nation, where your intellect is respected, and your voice protected.
Doc Talk Podcast Hosted By Dr.Greg Roscoe Live From Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
in Sports
Guest Dr.Algie Labrasca
Playoff Pandemonium: Chasing College Football Glory/The Balance/Air Date 2/21/24
in Sports
Oh boy!! We start off talking CFB Playoffs with IU/Notre Dame game!
Derik Vance from the PushtoPass Podcast joins us to help us break down the CFB Playoff games. We start off with the IU/Notre Dame game and preview the games for Saturday.
Ed Kracz, beatwriter for the Philadelphia Eagles and SI.com and our official NFL contributor joins us to help us break down Week 16 of the NFL.
Tony Donahue from the TonyDPodcast joins us to talk some IU/Notre Dame betting nuggets for the CFB Playoffs and the NFL.
Make sure and check us out @thebalancesportscast on Instagram and our website at www.balancesportscast.com. Make sure and call in at 917-889-8516. You don't want to miss this one...it's about to get good!!
Why She Won't Submit? featuring author Jamar Camper
A powerhouse of guests returns to the show featuring Jamar Camper, author of When Men Were Men, relationship coach Fila McMillan-Antwine, and cognitive behavioral therapist Marilyn Oduenyi as guest co-host. Together, they delve into the evolving dynamics of submission in relationships and marriage, exploring key questions such as:
Why are women less likely to submit in relationships today? What does it take to foster submission in a relationship? Should submission occur before marriage? Is modern partnership replacing traditional ideas of submission? Listeners are encouraged to join the conversation and #GIVEUSYOUR3CENTS by calling 646.787.1691. With this expert dialogue, you’ll gain profound insights into the concept of submission—perhaps the only discussion on the topic you’ll ever need.
Saturday Worship Service / Sermon Elder Joseph Stephens
in Christianity
Pastor & Mrs. Overall and the RFCM Church Family invite you to come and worship the LORD our God with us as we grow together in the knowledge and grace of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. ALL ARE WELCOME IN THE LORD’S HOUSE Revelation 22:17 The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
Tithe & Offerings - Runner For Christ Ministries (rfcm.org)
Salvation Prayer @ Salvation Prayer - Runner For Christ Ministries (rfcm.org)
Amazen Grace Ministries – We are Destroying the Yokes of Bondage!
in Spirituality
This Word on today will illuminate your heart and lift you to a greater level in the Lord Jesus Christ. We will take you on a journey in the Word that will give you greater peace, greater hope and closer to Jesus as our Shepherd and Lamb who died for our Sins! The theme for the Month of December is “A King Forever and Ever!” The lesson for this third Saturday in December is “My Dual Relationship with Christ Jesus!”
Luke 2:7-16 King James Version
7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. 8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. 10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. 15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. 16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
in Religion
Peaceful Sabbath fam! Praying that all's well with each of you & your households. Welcome to Biynah Thurah, Understanding Torah, as we begin a new series that asks the question Am I Abominable to YHWH? Join us as we search Holy Scripture to learn what YHWH defines as abominations. HALLELUYAH!
Urantia Paper 12—The Universe of Universes—§4. Space and Motion
in Spirituality
This week we will try again to air our episode on Urantia Paper 12, Section 4. Space and Motion. We were ready to go last week but Blogtalk had technical difficulties again. If you tried last week and were left as disappointed as we were, please try again this week as we continue our exploration of Urantia Paper 12 - The Universe of Universes.
This section explores the dynamics of cosmic energy and the structure of the universe, including:
Primary Revolution: All units of cosmic energy are in constant motion, revolving around the universal orbit. The universes, systems, and worlds are all moving along the endless circuits of the master universe space levels.
Motion in Space: Space itself is in motion, referred to as space respiration. This primary motion is the inherent movement of space.
Secondary Motion: This involves the alternate directional swings of the successive space levels. These motions are relative to the unmoving center of Havona, known as Paradise.
Relative Motions: These are motions not evaluated with Paradise as a base point. They include the outward and uniform expansion of the physical creations of all pervaded space.
Compensatory Movements: These movements coordinate all other motions, ensuring harmony within the universe.
The section emphasizes that nothing is stationary in the master universe except the center of Havona, and it delves into the complexities of cosmic motion and its regulation.
We hope you can join with us for another amazing discussion of The Urantia Papers!
Psychic View® - The Most Important Thing you need to know! LIVE!
in Spirituality
Welcome to Psychic View® - The Most Important Thing you need to know! LIVE!
Airing daily on this station, Psychic View® features Professional Intuitive Tarot Reader, Mona Van Joseph.
Book your session with Mona
Please call 347-850-1494 about 15 minutes prior to the start of the broadcast to be in the queue; once on hold, please press the number “1” to indicate you would like to be in the air. Mona does not answer blocked callers.
Please be in a quiet environment and not driving.
Mona chooses one caller per program to receive a full spread of cards and the highlights of that spread. This fast-paced insight illustrates Mona’s style of reading the Tarot. The caller of the day will get the most important message he or she needs to hear in this reading.
Why is Mona* so different? She does NOT ask questions of her callers until the highlights of the spread are revealed. In her opinion, this method of divination is the truest form of interpretation and how Mona has always conducted her sessions. You will hear on Psychic View® what you need to hear…even if the reading that day is not yours. Now is all that matters… you were meant to find Psychic View®
ATTENTION: BlogTalk is ceasing business at the end of January 2025. NEW station for this program will debut on Jan. 5, 2025. Please follow below to discover current broadcast times and the New Home for Psychic View®
@PsychicView and @THEMysticMona on X
@PsychicViewRadio and @MonaVanJoseph on Instagram
@MysticMona AND @PsychicView on BlueSky
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