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Live in Self Help

  • Live & Upcoming Episodes (41)
  • Pride of Olympus

    in Motivation

    Mount Olympus Presents
    Panelists: Setna of Khemet , Brian Chandler, Tina Chandler and TBA
    Topic: Being and Doing our Personal Best
    Recording Friday July 26, 2024,
    9-10 PM ET on Blogtalkradio
    Produced and Moderated by Hercules Invictus
    AN OLYMPIAN DISCLAIMER: Aristotle suggested that entertaining new thoughts without feeling obliged to accept them is a wise practice to cultivate. We agree. Our Olympian podcasts explore interesting thoughts and viewpoints on a variety of topics, including health, religion and politics. Our exploration gives voice to diverse personal opinions, areas of study and systems of belief. Discussions in this forum, though sincere and enthusiastic, are not to be construed as Mount Olympus' endorsement of any particular point of view

  • Woman on Fire Guest Sheba C. Moore

    in Self Help

    Sheba C. Moore, Will close us out for the month of July 2024 WOMAN ON FIRE SEGMENTS.
    Evang. Sheba Moore has reside in the state of Delaware for the past 24 years.  She is a native of Philadelphia who was born into a well- ground devout Christian family.  Growing up as a daughter of a pastor, and a praying mother, she was taught strong belief in holiness, obeying all its principles including to  forgive others, have faith, believe and trust in the Lord.  Her greatest challenges were facing spiritual attacks and illness.  Sheba have served in many roles within the house of God from usher, janitor, choir director, organizer, secretary, trustee, missionary, teacher, evangelist, preacher and first lady.  The one thing she keeps in mind is that God is always in control of her life.  Sheba's diverse career has spanned from banking to healthcare. Sheba has worked within the healthcare system for merely over 30 years. Sheba has consistently been recognized for her willingness to help others and dedication to her job. Sheba is often called upon to help those in her local community and especially enjoys working as a mentor to young women, helping them to develop self-advocacy and conflict resolution skills. Sheba is a daughter, sister, mother, and grandmother. In her free time, she loves to sew, bake, cook, and spend time with her children, grandchildren, and family.  


    in Motivation

    Looking for my Give a Fukk podcast explores the journey of rediscovering one's "give a Fukk" compass in a world filled with distractions and societal pressures. Drawing inspiration from Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth," the episode delves into the importance of transcending ego-based consciousness for personal happiness and global harmony. Tolle's wisdom guides listeners on a path towards a more fulfilling existence by emphasizing the significance of living in the present moment. The episode encourages a deep reflection on passions, values, and causes, ultimately inspiring a meaningful reconnection with one's inner compass and a reclaiming of passion and purpose. 

  • Irving Stackpole - What You Need to Know About Ageism in Long Term Care

    in Self Help

    Keynote Speaker, President of Stackpole & Associates, Irving Stackpole, returns to the show, once again!  This time, Irving will discuss with Dr. Mara information consumers need to know about ageism in long term care communities.
    And Dr. Mara will discuss how to support family caregivers and healthcare advocates in the ageist and ableist environment of our society.  

  • 01:33

    The Divine Code of Abundance: Tapping Into Your Legacy with Jennifer Watson

    in Motivation

    Abundance is a sought-after yet elusive concept for many, often reduced to a mere buzzword. However, its allure lies in its promise to transform every aspect of life, from material wealth to personal well-being.
    We all know someone who seems to effortlessly possess the "key" to abundance. Research identifies commonalities among these individuals, suggesting a formula for consistent and powerful access to abundance.
    The truth is, abundance doesn't have to be distant or overwhelming. The capacity to create abundance resides within each of us.
    The journey begins with wellness—particularly emotional and spiritual wellness. While the science behind enhancing wellness continues to evolve, the challenge lies in applying this understanding across all areas of life effectively. This integration is crucial in bridging the gap between wellness and a truly abundant life.
    Our aim is to support you in accessing your wellness, particularly your emotional and spiritual well-being, as the cornerstone to unlocking abundance.
    In this previously aired episode, Dr. Karen interview Jennifer Watson, an expert in high-performance and mental edge enhancement. With over two decades of experience spanning integrative medicine, physical therapy, intuitive leadership, emotional intelligence, and peak performance coaching, Jennifer helps individuals transition from chaos to creation, enabling them to live their legacy with ease and flow.
    During our conversation, Jennifer delves into:
    Why emotional and spiritual wellness is the pivotal factor in overall well-being. Practical tools for accessing and nurturing emotional and spiritual wellness. The three fundamental principles underlying a life of abundance. Join us to discover these insights and more, as we explore how to crack the code of abundance in your own life.

  • Fearless Generations 12 Steps to Freedom: Step 10 Trust: Integration

    in Self Help

    Last month we talk about intentions and my intention is to trust myself more each day. How will you practice trusting yourself more? We would love to hear what you are doing. How has your awareness grown around how you trust others or your higher power, the universe? As your trust in yourself grows so will your trust in anything or anyone.

  • Credentials Matter

    in Self Help

    There have always been people in the coaching world who simply called themselves coaches with no training or legitimate credential, but as coaching becomes more widespread and well known, we're seeing more and more manipulative charlatans in our profession. Their impact ranges from ineffective support to outright abuse and damage. In this episode, Ann and Ursula discuss why educating the public about legitimate coaching is so important and what else legitimate coaching profession needs to do. And of course, some neuroscience to support it all!

  • Part 2: Close Up Radio Welcomes Back Empowerment Strategist Bonnie Wirth

    in Motivation

    Lloydminster, SK - Close Up Radio welcomes back highly regarded Empowerment Strategist, Emotional Resilience Expert, and Mentor Bonnie Wirth, in this must listen to three-part series, where she will share interesting insights on relationships.  She will discuss the importance of giving and receiving equally in relationships, self-love, and how to handle conflicts in a healthy way.
    Whether it’s marriage, friendship, family, or any other personal connections, these relationships can bring us challenges and heartache if we don’t have a positive experience. But rather than trying to heal from our wounds, we may resort to blaming other people for being cruel and betraying us.
    Bonnie affirms that love comes with honoring ourselves and allowing ourselves to be vulnerable to all our feelings and emotions. In fact, part of the human experience is getting hurt, healing, and loving again.  That’s the only way we grow and evolve.  After all, we are all worthy of healthy, loving relationships.
    When we engage with one another attentively and empathetically, we are showing our loved ones how blessed we are to have them in our lives.
    Bonnie advises us to not be so dependent on our smart phones which disconnects us from the people around us.
    Our lives were meant be lived with purpose, love, and making sure to spread kindness and compassion to every living being on earth. 
    Undoubtedly, satisfying relationships will lead to longer and happier lives. They help us navigate life’s challenges so much better, so we look forward to every day with positivity and optimism. It’s up to every single one of us how much joy and fulfilment we bring to our own lives.
    For more information, visit www.bonniewirth.ca


    in Motivation

    Sandra A. Wright is the Founder and Executive director of The Wright Life Wellness organization, which focuses on teaching individuals to live a health conscious lifestyle. She also serves as a Wellness Coach Mentor foe RECHARGE, a transformative group focusing on self-care for women and girls curated by her.  
    As a successful, thriving heart transplant champion and a warrior fighting diabetes she comes equipped with incredible personal knowledge to help you heal and re-write your story, your legacy and your history!
    Do we voluntarily give away our rights, our health and our longevity by allowing others to dictate what is healthy for us?  Well how about learning from someone who has proven her methods are valid by living her truth!
    Come with an open mind. Leave educated and knowledgeable with Sandi Wright.
    See you on the radio.

  • The Biases of Having ADHD with Carol the Coach

    in Self Help

    Today CSAT therapist Jonah Anderson and Carol the Coach will be discussing ADHD so that people can have a better understanding of what it is like to live with this condition. He wants to educate people about the challenges, difficulties, and pain that comes with this condition. Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria is probably one of the worst aspects of ADHD, which is responsible for the severe emotional dysregulation that accompanies ADHD. Like many people with ADHD, Ihe has always struggled with overwhelming emotions, but had no idea it was the result of ADHD.
    He wants people to understand how traumatic it is living in a world that doesn’t understand you, expects you to change, and you constantly feel gaslit your entire life, by everyone. He also wants people to know they aren’t their diagnosis.
    "I want people to realize that ADHD is the issue that needs to be addressed, the relationship with addiction, and why it is so important in treating sex addiction. I would also like to provide listeners with some useful tools and coping skills. I want people to understand that language matters when communicating with someone with ADHD and that there are things people need to be aware of, such as punishment and negative reinforcement are the worst ways to affect behavior change in someone with ADHD,"

  • Lisa Zarcone: A Voice for the Voiceless

    in Self Help

    Lisa Zarcone is the Massachusetts National Ambassador & Regional Director for NAASCA (National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse). She uses her title and personal story as a platform to speak publicly about child abuse and mental health. Lisa is a fierce advocate for child safety and mental health and has written 2 books about abuse, mental illness, and how it’s possible to break the cycle of generational abuse. Her newly released book, “The Book of Joann” is her mother’s story and their journey together.  A look into Joann’s world shows how mental illness and abuse are generational, and without understanding and awareness, we cannot break the cycle.
    Lisa gained her voice by validating her story while healing through the process. It was a difficult journey, but she dug deep into her past, sifting through the rubble piece by piece. Under it all, Lisa found understanding and forgiveness. Currently, she’s advocating for mental health programming in our schools. Lisa calls herself, “A voice for the voiceless”.