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The Murder Master Music Show

Murder Master Music Show


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Veteran music journalist Prezident Bejda brings you nothing but underground music from around the globe. Join Prez each week with interviews with Legends, Pioneers and Underground Talent. Check out one of the Original Hip hop Podcasts!

On-Demand Episodes

Soulja Killuminati makes his long awaited return to the show

Check out this interview from France that DJ Lord Sinixta did with MC Outloud of Blahzay Blahzay

Flatlinerz return for another episode to chop it up about their latest project and much more

Diesoul and Crisis have returned for this brand new interview and as always they got alot to say

DJ Lord Sinixta caught up with Mike Ladd after a show in France for this all new exclusive interview

Former Rapalot artist 2 Low is back with this all new exclusive interview

LOS of the Screwed Up Click will join us for an interview and also play some dope tracks

Recently DJ Lord Sinixta caught up with Chali 2Na of Jurassic 5 in France for this brand new exclusive interview

Sinixta Soundz Underground Mix 20 Available Now w/ DJ Lord Sinixta Of UGS Radio Featuring: Azie Faison, R.O.A, Greenwade, Mz. Monk, Darq, Critical Madnez, Ablaze, Ms Chambers, The R.O.C, Ten Wanted Men, Chico & 187,... more
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