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The Murder Master Music Show

Murder Master Music Show


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Veteran music journalist Prezident Bejda brings you nothing but underground music from around the globe. Join Prez each week with interviews with Legends, Pioneers and Underground Talent. Check out one of the Original Hip hop Podcasts!

On-Demand Episodes

N.O. Legend Mr Serv-On is back with brand new music and a dope new interview

Seed of 6ix is back with a new mixtape, Juniors, and an album on the way. Tune in for this exclusive interview

Omaha Midwest Chopper Snake Lucci is back to speak about his new album and much more

KCMO vet Big Court aka Court Dog is back to speak about his new project and much more

Azie Faison is a Former Harlem Drug Lord turned rapper and mentor to the youth. Check out his amazing story in this exclusive interview

First up is a dope interview with Brooklyn emcee Etcetera followed by San Antonio pioneer Lil Sin

? Sinixta Soundz Underground Mix 19 w/ DJ Lord Sinixta Of UGS Radio Featuring: 9th Wonder, Dark Sun Riders, Lewis Parker, Mad Skillz, Boot Camp Clik, Immortal Lowlife, 20-2-Life, Criminal Elament, Lil Rascal, Ace... more

Legendary Baton Rouge pioneer Biggdawg C-Loc joins us for a dope interview

South Carolina veteran L.O.C. joins us for this new interview to speak about Kingpin Fly 2 and much more

DJ Lord Sinixta sat down with Rock of Heltah Skeltah recently in France for this dope interview
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