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Your Place

Your Place


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Picture yourself sitting at your family kitchen table and discussing a topic of interest. That is the feeling we want everybody to have as they share their thoughts or ask questions. This show is to be a place where you can call to discuss real life issues. The concept is not to brain wash people but to allow people to hear other opinions on issues and make up their own mind. In other words...get people to think! This show has changed a lot since it first started. We do less hot topics and bring you more ministry. But when the two intersect. We are not afraid to be heard and hear from you on these topics.

On-Demand Episodes

Welcome to another show where we are going through the bible with a teacher who does not teach at a church but is a college professor. He teaches the bible is based in history, geography, and is the inspired word of GOD! The song we... more

Last week our internet provider had a system failure in our area that took two days to fix. Nothing we could do about it on our end. So we are bringing you last weeks scheduled show tonight. On our last show someone called in and asked... more

Welcome to another show here at, "Your Place". We are now going into the book of Numbers in our one year bible study. We pray that you are getting as much out of this bible study as we are. One thing about getting older you have more... more

Welcome to another show here at Your Place! Tonight we are coming to the end of the book of Leviticus. We will be updating this to our FB page Your Place in the near future. You can go to our FB page and upload all of these as we... more

Welcome to another show here at, "Your Place". We want to thank all of you that are taking the time to listen to our show and share it with your friends. These shows may not have the same bite as talking about current events, politics,... more

Welcome to another show where we are going through the word of GOD! Last week we finished the book of Exodus. Wild Bill will tell you that once again this teacher brought things to light in a way to paint a picture of the study as no other... more

Welcome to another show here at, "Your Place". We are still in the book of Exodus and will find again how the people of GOD will do something stupid. I too find myself many times having to take a test more then one time before I get it... more

Welcome to another show here at, "Your Place". So far we have started with creation and came all the way down to Moses and the jews coming out of captivity from Egypt. Tonight we hear how God can provide food and water in... more

Welcome to another show here at, "Your Place". Wild Bill had some fun tonight with the starting song. He was looking for a version that he used to sing in church back in the 70's but could not find it. So he took a girls group that did... more

Welcome to another show here at, "Your Place". The song that started our show was sent in by someone who said that one of these young ladies was related to him. He did not give his name or any other information other then the youtube... more
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