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Your Place


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Picture yourself sitting at your family kitchen table and discussing a topic of interest. That is the feeling we want everybody to have as they share their thoughts or ask questions. This show is to be a place where you can call to discuss real life issues. The concept is not to brain wash people but to allow people to hear other opinions on issues and make up their own mind. In other words...get people to think! This show has changed a lot since it first started. We do less hot topics and bring you more ministry. But when the two intersect. We are not afraid to be heard and hear from you on these topics.

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Welcome back to another show here at, "Your Place". Tonight is a show where you need to have something to take notes with. Wild Bill will tell you that this teacher is not like what you would hear in most chruch settings because he... more

Welcome back to another episode on the teaching of the Isaiah. We want to thank all of you that have shared comments on this teachers style of teaching. We hope that you havre enjoyed this as much as we have. We want to send... more

Welcome back to another show tonight. We have been told that the bugs have been fixed and so we are going to attempt to bring you part 8 of our study of the book of Isaiah. So say a prayer with us that this plays all the way to the end... more

There are still issues with the blog talk servers but they are working to fix these. So tonight Wild Bill thought it would be a good time to stop our study of Isaiah part 8. We have tried 3 times and 3 times there has been some sort of... more

Welcome to another show here at, "Your Place". We have just past the Easter Weekend and I don't ever want to forget the price that was paid for my salvation. To think that GOD would robe himself in flesh and walk without sin. To... more

Welcome to another show here at, "Your Place". We hope that this study has meant as much to you as it has for us. This teaching style of this teacher and how he makes it so clear how the bible is established in time, and location can... more

Welcome back to, "Your Place" where we are still going through the book of Isaiah. Once again this teacher has painted us a visual look into the scriptures to help us understand the scriptures in a way that is so different then what... more

Last weeks show was one of the best lessons we have heard on putting a picture into your mind of wha tthe scripture had to say. This teacher has a style that is unlike what you would hear in a church setting and it is so refreashing. We can't... more

Welcome back to another show here at, "Your Place". As you know the last two weeks we have started a study of the book of Isaiah that has had a long introduction. Part of this introduction explanied a look at the prophets both major... more

Welcome to another show here at, "Your Place". Wild Bill thinks that sometimes what he shares regarding our nation'sleadership and sound bite news is misunderstood. For the most part he feels that we need to pray for our country... more
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