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Picture yourself sitting at your family kitchen table and discussing a topic of interest. That is the feeling we want everybody to have as they share their thoughts or ask questions. This show is to be a place where you can call to discuss real life issues. The concept is not to brain wash people but to allow people to hear other opinions on issues and make up their own mind. In other words...get people to think! This show has changed a lot since it first started. We do less hot topics and bring you more ministry. But when the two intersect. We are not afraid to be heard and hear from you on these topics.

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Matt 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. 25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life,... more

Welcome to the show tonight. Do you ever stop and think about all of the things you have wittnessed in this world that has changed in your life time? Just to name a few of these that jump out to us. They took prayer out of the public school... more

Welcome to the show tonight. We started the show with one of our favorite songs from Sis. Bobbie Lively. When in doubt on something. "What does the word say", is a good place to live as your motto. We have a bible study from Pastor... more

Welcome back to this weeks show. As the song states so well. That in living for GOD this does not mean you will not have test, trials, be hurt, and can even find yourself feeling that you are all alone in your spiritual process. I do not as a rule... more

Welcome to tonights show. Last week Wild Bill gave us his thoughts at the end of the sermon that speaks to his thoughts to the church of the end time. He felt that he had only grazed the surface of what he was feeling that the Holy Ghost is... more

Welcome to the show tonight. We are bringing you what was preached as a Christmas message. Guess we are a day late and a dollar short after all! We promise that this sermon is one that you will enjoy if you were hearing it in July.... more

Welcome to our show this week. There are sermons that are so needed for what the church is facing at specific times. Not saying a message is not timeless. But Wild Bill has listened to this sermon from Kenneth Carpenter four times before... more

Welcome back to the show tonight. It is hard to believe that tonight is the last chapter of the book, "The woolly Worm". The author Sis. Bobbie Lively has not just read the book for us but has added addtional information during the show... more

Welcome to tonights show. We have been bringing you the book, "The Woolly Worm by Sis. Bobbie Lively for several weeks now. We are coming up to the end of this book and from the song we played today you can guess that this is not... more

Welcome back to the show where we have been blessed to hear from the author of the book, "The Woolly Worm". Tonight we are going into chapter 22. As with many of our listeners, we have enjoyed the insights of Sis Lively the author... more
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