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Picture yourself sitting at your family kitchen table and discussing a topic of interest. That is the feeling we want everybody to have as they share their thoughts or ask questions. This show is to be a place where you can call to discuss real life issues. The concept is not to brain wash people but to allow people to hear other opinions on issues and make up their own mind. In other words...get people to think! This show has changed a lot since it first started. We do less hot topics and bring you more ministry. But when the two intersect. We are not afraid to be heard and hear from you on these topics.

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Welcome to tonights show. We have a real treat for you. Sis Bobbie Lively AKA Rapping Granny is going to be the speaker on the show tonight. She has been talking to us about some of the things that has been burning on her heart. We... more

Welcome back to the last show from the series, "Is America Warned in Scripture" I know that many people do not buy into patterns of scripture from the law fitting into today. What we call the types and patterns. The law describes in detail... more

Welcome back to the show. Tonight we are going back into the reading of the book that answers the question of, is America being warned in scripture. We have one more section after this and we will be finished with this book. We hope that... more

Welcome back to tonights show. Blogtalk had technical issues last week. Did you like the song tonight? As you probably guessed, we are not back to our book yet. Tonight we title this show, "Time to Panic, the sky is falling". We are hearing... more

Welcome back to this weeks show. Forgive us for taking a break from the next part of our series on, "Is America Warned In Scripture." We will finish this series. Bill wanted to take tonight and go in another direction. About 4 years ago Bill... more

Welcome back to, "Your Place". Well, as wild Bill warned about the balance or lack of balance of what is happening with the Middle East and the United States. The people who hate anything connected with the true blood line of... more

Welcome to the show tonight. Last week there was a problem with the system and nobody could call in. In talking to the people at the Blog talk offices, and listening to our very first show. I realized that we might look at changing our show... more

Welcome back to tonights show on "is American Warned In scripture." Bet you have had to deal with trials, tribulations, fears, being weary, and have had indecision! Maybe today! As we listen and have heard for several weeks about... more

Welcome to this weeks show of Is America Warned in Scripture Part 9. We want to thank all of you that called in last week to be a part of the show. We try to leave all of the microphones on at the end of the show of the people that want... more

Welcome to another show where we are looking at is America Warned in Scripture Part 8. There are a lot of people frustrated, and scared right now with what is happening with current events. That is why we played the song we... more
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