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Picture yourself sitting at your family kitchen table and discussing a topic of interest. That is the feeling we want everybody to have as they share their thoughts or ask questions. This show is to be a place where you can call to discuss real life issues. The concept is not to brain wash people but to allow people to hear other opinions on issues and make up their own mind. In other words...get people to think! This show has changed a lot since it first started. We do less hot topics and bring you more ministry. But when the two intersect. We are not afraid to be heard and hear from you on these topics.

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Here we are in 2011 and like most of you I am looking at my life for this next year. I do not know about many of you but some things that you feel you ought to know I find that I am still not getting the point. One area of this is faith and... more

There is enough people sharing bad news and fear to everyday. Tonight on this show we want you to share your favorite joke or funny story to put all of us into a happy thought process. Remember this is a family show and we need you... more

We all have them. Do they tell us something about our personality? I notice that has I get older I am more open to let people know when things drive me nuts! How about you?

We have had a great year here on Your-Place for 2010! It is hard to believe that it is almost over. Looking at 2011 do you have plans to make this year even better? Well, we want you to tell us how you go about planning to do that. You can... more

We are going to give you and extra hour this week. First you are going to get a classic radio show from the 50's. Just our little Christmas gift to you. Then we are going to go to a normal show format where we discuss the gift that keeps on... more

In the Bible in the book of Matthew it states that we are take up our cross and follow Jesus. Matt 16:24 Tonight we are asking those who are willing to open up what it means to take up your cross. There is no right or wrong answer but... more

It is hard to believe that another year is almost gone. In looking at the holiday season it is a time for many to look back at their life. We look at goals that we reached and have not. We look at family/friends that is no longer with us. As... more

Last week the show was hosted by Joy and Blog Talk Mom. The topic was on counting your blessings. As part of continuing with this topic we should all take a look at our family, friends, church, and work relationships during this holiday... more

This holiday I am afraid that you are going to be blessed with Joy running the board and blog talk mom running the show. I have to be out of pocket for a church function and they gladly offered to be your host for this show.... more

I know that from experience I have been told that I am trying to put on my Mr. Fix it hat. I think it men speak a language that women do not understand. Relationships are good fun most of the time. But communication problems are... more
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