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Your World News

Your World News


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Your World News is a progressive radio program with no limits. Our shows will focus on everything from under-reported news, interviews, media, education, music, and human interest pieces. We try to be everything the corporate mainstream media is not. Due to the fact that the corporate media can dumb viewers/listners down we edify our listeners. This is Your World News!

On-Demand Episodes

Please join us the "Thanksgiving Day", (better called Thanks-Killing Day) for a special episode to break down the origins of this most genocidal and white supremacist holiday. It is no surprise the few "Americans" know the true origins... more

What is the Pan-African Collective for Advocacy & Action (PACAA) and why is it needed, more than ever, in the 21st Century? The PACAA was initially created by a collection of Black/African Scholars, Activists, Community Organizers, and... more

Join us this episode as we will be placing a spotlight on some important work in Baltimore City geared towards confronting and combating police brutality which is terrorizing people of color. We will be joined by: Rev Cortly CD Witherspoon,... more

Join us this episode as we interview Socialist Workers Party presidential candidate, James Harris. What does his platform look like? What might a socialist America look like and how would it benefit the masses of people who have been... more

Join us this episode as several college students air their thoughts and strategies regarding immigration issues within the United States' stolen and manufactured borders. These well-organized students join us this week to break down various... more

Please join us this episode as we deconstruct, in brutally honest fashion, the man commonly known as ?Christopher Columbus?. This man whose real name was Cristobal Colon, was a bloody mass murderer, serial rapist, mutilator and... more

Please join us this episode as we discuss nation building and the liberation of African people with Chief Letava Mabilijengo. Chief Letava Mabilijengo will be discussing some extremely important topics and issues concerning African... more

Asad Ismi again joined us to further discuss his latest series of articles detailing the Latin American Revolution as well as the upcoming elections in Venezuela. Mr. Ismi is an award-winning writer on international politics specializing in the... more

Ayesha Fleary joins us this episode on Your World News to discuss the history of the All African People's Development & Empowerment Program as well as their upcoming conference. Ayesha is the Information and Education director for the... more

Please join us this episode as we discuss a recent article entitled Self Hatred, Cultural Disorientation, Poverty and the ?Gang? Phenomenon written by professor Ron Wilkins entitled. Within his article he deconstructs various factors and... more

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