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Your World News

Your World News


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Your World News is a progressive radio program with no limits. Our shows will focus on everything from under-reported news, interviews, media, education, music, and human interest pieces. We try to be everything the corporate mainstream media is not. Due to the fact that the corporate media can dumb viewers/listners down we edify our listeners. This is Your World News!

On-Demand Episodes

Please join us this important episode as Malcolm X Grassroots Movement members, Rosa Clemente and Ajamu Baraka, join us to discuss their recent report on the Extrajudicial Killings of Black People in America. Findings... more

Join us this episode for a detailed interview with Benjamin Woods of SAMI (Students Against Mass Incarceration). We discussed the Modern Day Slavery otherwise known as the Prison Industry Complex and what SAMI is doing to... more

Join us again this year for our annual critique of the 4th of July holiday. We will deconstruct the vast array of hypocrisies that should be blatantly associated with the American Independence Holiday (4th of July). Unfortunately, because of... more

Join us this episode where we used the new book, A Hip Hop Activist Speaks Out on Social Issues, as a point of departure to discuss everything from Hip Hop Music, Corporate Media, War and Imperialism, to Institutional Racism in... more

Join us this episode as we interview Mr. Leonard Rowe who is the former President of the Black Promoters Association. Mr. Leonard will be discussing the nefarious role extreme racism and white supremacy has played in Hollywood to... more

This episode we were joined by prisoner rights and prison industrial complex activist and organizer, Mac Gaskins for an in-depth interview on the ongoing Hunger Strike at Red Onion Prison in Virginia, as well as the nefarious impact... more

This episode we were joined by activist Larry Hale who discussed the recent Chicago demonstrations to NATO, as well as NATO's bloody history of repression and imperialism. We were also joined by a DC activist, Drew, who spoke about... more

This episode we were joined by the editor of the Pan African Newswire, Abayomi Azikewe. Mr. Azikewe gave detailed critical analysis regarding the ongoing imperialist wars waged on Africa by way of Western nations like the US and... more

This episode we were joined by Obi Egbuna who happens to be the US correspondent for the Zimbabwe Herald. He joined us to talk about his highly regarded childrens play detailing the impact of Cuban Doctors throughout the... more

Join us this episode as we speak with Revolutionary Communist Party member, Carl Dix. We will be speaking with Carl Dix about a number of issues regarding Mass Incarceration in America, as well as how a communist would approach... more

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