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Is vaping safer then smoking cigarettes? Why was vaping created in the first place? Is vaping safer then smoking cigars? Are there chemicals in vaping or is it just water? Find out on tonights broadcast through America Health Crisis/Blog... more

How safe is a gun in the hands of the mentally ill? Why would a mentally ill person want a gun? Is everyone who is called a mass shooter mentally ill? Are there warning signs we should be aware of? Join us tonight on America Health... more

How safe is cooking with cannabis oil? How safe is wearing the patch with cannabis oil? Is there any research on the effect of cannabis oil on the human body? How does cannabis affect the brain? Can cannabis oil cause memory lost... more

What products is coming to the stores near you, that might contain cannibis? Why aren't regulation in smoking cannibis or marijuana in place already? What is the Federal Drug Administration doing about regulating the use or approval of... more

When a person has mental illness and commit a crime, why are they places in our jails and prisons? How can this cyle of imprisonment be stopped? Do the laws need to be changed? Are you aware that a lot of mentally ill prisoners are... more

HIV/AIDS prisoners and general population prisoners are together in prison does this pose a problem? If a prisoner is HIV positive how are they treated? If a prisoner is a drug user, should they be put with the prisoners who do not use... more

Why did the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) place a hold on ban on the chemical called methylene chloride, found in paint thinner? How many more deaths will occur before FDA stop the sale of all paint thinners containing... more

Why are people with mental illness placed in prison when they committee a crime? Should our system have another solution? Do they get the help they need? What type of help do the mentally ill receive while in prison? Join... more

Why is the public not informed that 50% of all new cases of HIV in the United States is below 25 years old? Why isn't the public inform about the antibody test and thr RNA test about the difference in the 2 test? If the testing procedure is... more

Selena Lindsey has created programs that deal with drug addiction and alcohol. She has brought her programs to various schools and institurion. Tonight we will feature Selena Lindsey and the programs she has developed. Your host is... more

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