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Toddlers to day are consuming too much sugar. They are consuming more sugar than adult whys? Are you looking at how much sugar your toddler is eating? Do you know how much sugar you should consume per day? Will your toddler... more

Nipah virus can be deadly and transmitted through human contact or bat boo boo or water where bats urinated or through pigs. A Health worker had died from handling a dead body of an infected person. This outbreak of the nipah virus is... more

Sickle cell disease affects approximately 100,000 Americans a year. 1 out of 365 Blacks/ Afro American and 1 out of 16,300 Latino American a year. Are there other groups of people affected by the sickle cell disease? What is the life... more

Has diabetes increase over the years because of the foods we eat? If you are diabetic can you eat all the sugary fruits each day? Having a high sugar diet can be damaging to your body. What happens to a person who keeps their blood... more

Is your child calm or hyper? What type of diet do you feed your child? Do certain foods cause your child to be out of control? Why do other countries not allow certain dyes and perservative not to be used in their countries? Another hot topic... more

How would one know if their water was safe to drink in their city? Are all homes filled with contaminated water? Is it ok to take a bath or shower with contaminated water? What is the source of the contanmination in ones home? Do you have... more

Do teenagers know not to try opiods? Do they have understanding the risk of death or over dose? Is there enough public awareness on this subject? Are you around young people or teenagers? The church folks teenager can fall prey to... more

HIV/AIDS How far have we come? Did you know there are areas that will make a family with a member who has HIV/AIDS move out of their neighborhood? Did you know you can know your HIV status within 15 days? Why are the number... more

Why do your doctor order a colonoscope after you turn 50 years old? What happens if you don't get this test? How can a doctor miss that you have colon cancer and it's to late to save your life. Join us tonight with another hot topic... more

How safe is your newborn when you bring them home from the hospital? Are you using bumpers and blankets in their bed? Are you putting pillows and stuff animals in their bed? What habits do you have that are dangerous for the... more

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