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Cyrus Webb

"Conversations LIVE!" with Cyrus Webb


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For 20 years Conversations LIVE! has been an interactive way for those in entertainment and the arts to come together to discuss whatever unites them in life. Conversations also addresses current events and conducts discussions based on them.

On-Demand Episodes

Host Cyrus Webb welcomes back Award-winning Master Event Planner, Entrepreneur and bestselling author Melissa Banks to Conversations LIVE to discuss her new book DO I REALLY NEED AN EVENT PLANNER?

Host Cyrus Webb welcomes back author Allison Winn Scott to Conversations LIVE to discuss her continued literary success and new book TAKE TWO, BIRDIE MAXWELL.

Host Cyrus Webb welcomes author Janet A. Wilson to Conversations LIVE to discuss her book ALL YOU'LL SEE IS SKY.

Host Cyrus Webb welcomes author Glenn Hileman to Conversations LIVE to discuss the book A YELLOW HOUSE IN THE MOUNTAINS.

Host Cyrus Webb welcomes author Tiana Smith to Conversations LIVE to discuss her writing journey and new book THE SPY AND I.

Host Cyrus Webb welcomes author Cornelia Maude Spelman to Conversations LIVE to discuss the new book A FOOT IS NOT A FISH!---and what she hopes readers take away from it. Get your copy on A FOOT IS NOT A FISH! on... more

Host Cyrus Webb welcomes back bestselling author Mark Greaney to Conversations LIVE to discuss his writing journey and new book THE CHAOS AGENT.

Host Cyrus Webb welcomes back bestselling author Manswell T. Peterson to Conversations LIVE to discuss his literary journey and campaign to get kids to reading through his LOCROTTUM ACADEMY series.... more

Host Cyrus Webb welcomes Victor Trillo, Jr. and Tyler Stonebraker to Conversations LIVE to discuss the new book ADVICE TO 9TH GRADERS---and what they hope the book does to inspire and motivate others.

Host Cyrus Webb welcomes Dr. Kathleen Corley to Conversations LIVE to discuss the new book THE MAGICAL PLACE WE CALL SCHOOL---and what she hopes readers take away from it.
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