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Picture yourself sitting at your family kitchen table and discussing a topic of interest. That is the feeling we want everybody to have as they share their thoughts or ask questions. This show is to be a place where you can call to discuss real life issues. The concept is not to brain wash people but to allow people to hear other opinions on issues and make up their own mind. In other words...get people to think! This show has changed a lot since it first started. We do less hot topics and bring you more ministry. But when the two intersect. We are not afraid to be heard and hear from you on these topics.

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Welcome to tonights show. With all of the news going on wth Russia and their threat to use nukes. We pray that you are asking GOD if you are living the life you are supposed to be living. The title of the bible study tonight is on church... more

Welcome to the show tonight. We are bringing you part 2 of the message of putting GOD first. We pray that last weeks message spoke to all of you as it did us. Did you activate that message into your life? If we only let a message... more

Welcome to the show tonight. We all live in a world that taxes us to be so busy seeking pleasure and putting our fires on a daily bases. Most of us have to work, and even can get caught up in the actions of church work as a habit that... more

Welcome to another show this week. Last week we took off due to dealing with Covid in our home. Tonight we are bringing you a message from Bro. David Poole. It is on seeking the face of GOD. There is a differance in praying for... more

Welcome to tonights show. The show tonight is by Bro.David Bernard Message on The Threefold Cord of Faith. Since without faith it is impossible to please GOD. We felt this is a very important topic to share with you tonight. As always... more

Welcome to the show tonight. Wild Bill has a question for you...If Jesus came back during this program. Would you make it or be left behind. I pray that you make up your mind based not based on anyting you have been told by a church... more

Welcome to tonights show. We had a show prepared for tonight but a text from someone in our church sharing the death of her young friend that was the mother of a pre teen child shook us, It caused Bill to look at the storms of life that... more

Welcome back to part four of our series on having a spirit of expectation! Tonight you will hear from Pastor Kenneth Carpenter of the First Apostolic Church of Merryville, TN. We have looked at this topic from 3 preachers that had a angle... more

Welcome to another show on Expectations. Tonight we are bringing you an in your face message where there can be no mistake of how important it is for you to have great expectations when it comes to the things of GOD. Many... more

Welcome back again this week. We are staying with our topic of expectations in our faith in GOD. Its one thing to pray, and another to pray in faith. Now we are learning how to understand the faith bringing you an expectation of GOD;s... more
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