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Picture yourself sitting at your family kitchen table and discussing a topic of interest. That is the feeling we want everybody to have as they share their thoughts or ask questions. This show is to be a place where you can call to discuss real life issues. The concept is not to brain wash people but to allow people to hear other opinions on issues and make up their own mind. In other words...get people to think! This show has changed a lot since it first started. We do less hot topics and bring you more ministry. But when the two intersect. We are not afraid to be heard and hear from you on these topics.

On-Demand Episodes

Welcome back to another show with a bible study from Pastor Raymond Woodward. The title is 7. But it appears that this is on 7 prayers that can change your life. A much needed message for the church today! I am sure... more

Welcome to our show this week. Wild Bill wants to encourage us to make sure that our walk is the assignment God has for us. How do you know? Is it based on following someone else? Is it based on which way the winds of life push you? Is... more

Biblical Healing Today by Dr. Bruce & Professor Dana Klein, was the title of last weeks show. If you missed that show you need to go back and listen to it! We had the most comments about this show then any show we have had this... more

Welcome to tonight's show. Tonight is on the topic of, "Healing for the Church Today! A topic that needs to be addressed in the apostolic church. Without real knowledge we are missing the mark. We are blessed to have Dr. Bruce Klein &... more

Welcome to another show. Wild Bill wants you to know that the process for these shows is covered in much prayer, thoughts that GOD places on our heart. We either do the presentation on the topic or bring you a presentation that we are... more

Welcome to tonights show where we bring up the question, "Does your belief system determine what Sin is...to GOD? One of the greatest arguments of people when discussing Jesus judging sin is. Wel,l this is what I believe! Who are we... more

W4elcome to the show tonight. Last week we had some issues with our computers and so we are brining you the message of, "Going to Hell is going to be your choice". When we look back at World War II. I am sure that... more

Welcome to one of the most powerful messages that we may have brought to you on our show. Faithful or Familiar? We have joined into part of this church service (at FAC of Merryville, TN.). This is one of the most important messages of our... more

The song that started our show tonight was in rememberance of Sis. Jean Holland. I can see her in my minds eye singing this and doing a little jig on streets of pure gold. Playing her harmonica on the instrumental solo parts. For... more

Welcome to the lest of the 24 parts of Paul from Sinner to Saint. Here we come to where Paul is placed under arrest, tried, and found guilty. HIs verdict is the death penalty. Here we see more of the humanity of Paul, as we have all through this... more
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