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America's Health Crisis


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Your home may be the source of allergies inside and outside of the home. Temperature, humidity, furniture, pets, plants, food, clothes, blankets can be a probem and cause allergies. Bed sheets may also be a problem. Outside your... more

Should there be a of what is in your sugar? Should one know what chemicals are in your sugar? If plastic was present should you be informed? How does this affect your organs or hormones or enzymes? Another hot topic tonight with your... more

Birth control pills can destroy a womens life if the nutrients she takes are not absorb into her blood stream. Taken some birth control pills has cause the following: depletion of vitamin B6, B12, folic acid, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc,... more

Do you know the importance of brushing your teeth? Why mouth wash that killls bacteria in mouth is important! Can you weaken your immune system by what is in your mouth? Join us tonight with another hot topic your Host Paulette... more

In the United States there has been an increase in measles. Why the increase in measles? If you had measle vaccination you may still come down with measles. What is Center of Disease Control saying about the increase in measles?... more

There are 100 different types of arthritis. Top ones are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis. What is arthritis? What causes arthritis? Can you inherit arthritis? When should you be treated for this condition? Will medication help?... more

When mom and dad come home with their newborne infant they are exhausted. Placing infant in bed with you can be deadly. Placing newborne on your chest can be deadly. Leaving baby in baby swing can be harmful. Leaving baby in... more

How important is it to have the right level of minerals in your body? Can this affect your everyday life? Are you given pain pills when you complain about pain in your body? What foods have the minerals your body needs? Another Hot Topic Host... more

The American Cancer Society has stated there will be 13,240 new cases of cervical cancer diagnose in the United States this year. Approximately 4,170 women will die of cervical cancer. The rate of cancer of the cervix had... more

Why has this year of having the flu been very devasting? Why is the flu spreading rapidly among the people? Can you get the flu by breathing the same air space as someone having the flu and why? Can you get the flu by... more

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