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What's lurking in your boo boo (feces)? Can it be Hepatitis A? Hepatitis A can be found in fecal material of an effective person. Good hand washing technique is very important. 2 years ago an imported frozen berries called Creative Gourmet... more

Some schools do not have nurses on duty. Do the teachers know what to do in emergency situations involving food? Do the parents trust the school in handling their child that has food allergies? How wide spread is this problem? How many... more

Dr. Peter Hotez the Dean for the National School of Tropical Medicine at Houston Baylor College of Medicine stated as the water recedes the mosquitoes population will increase. Will there be an increase in molds, infections, bacteria from... more

Can one stop a baby from having Sickle Cell Anemia and other blood disorder diseases? Why are there no routine test to see if one is a carrier for sickle cell anemia or other blood disorder diseases? Before one gets married should there... more

Why does breast implants cause cancer? What material is being used for breast implants? Do women know before the procedure is perform that the material used in breast implant can cause cancer? Join us tonight with another hot topic... more

We have been told that salt causes your blood pressure to increase. Is the real culprit sugar and not salt? Do you know how much sugar you should consume per day? Is it possible that sugar causes an increase in blood pressure? Join us... more

Up date information on the Zika Virus has been publish by JAMA August 2017. Can anyone be at risk for neurological damage to the nervous system if a mosquito bite carrying the Zika Virus bite them? For years Guillain-Barre was a... more

Tumeric can be dangerous. Turmeric is consider a good health boosting natural herb but can cost you your life. Used in asian foods. It's active ingrediant is curcumin (has anti-inflammatory property, anti-oxidant, food for cancer and heart... more

Will the spread of HIV increase because of global funding cuts? How will this affect America? How will this affect current treatment? Another Hot Topic tonight. Join in the conversation by calling 858-769-4936 press 1. Host Paulette Young... more

Are air bags safe for infant and children? Do air bags save lifes? Why did some infant and children die because of air bags? How safe are air bags? Another hot topic tonight. Join in the conversation by calling 858-769-4936 press 1.... more

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