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America's Health Crisis


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Can your tooth infection interfere with your heart funtion? Is it possible you can have a heart attack because of tooth infection? When you have a heart attack should your doctor look for the root problem? Another hot topic your host... more

Is there additional treatment besides chemo therapy for cancer and tumors? What is all the fuss for using alkaline water? Why do people change their diets when they are diagnose with cancer or tumors? Why do holistic doctors focus on the... more

How far have we come with HIV testing procedure? Can you know your HIV status in 11 days? How does Red Cross keep the blood bank from being contaminated with the HIV virus? What is the difference between the rapid test... more

Why have some people switch to barbecuing using propane gas? Why do others continue to barbecue with charcoal? Does charcoal cause cancer? Can one get the same flavor without using charcoal? Would you want to be safe or... more

Public pools, gym pools and others are suppose to place a sign that states the pool water contains chemicals that cause cancer. Do you know what chemicals you are swimming in and that these chemicals cause cancer? Is there a sign... more

In the United States there is a opioid epidemic causing the number of Hepatitis C cases to triple. Opioids produce morphine like affect. Medical doctors give it to their patients for pain. Drugs like , oxycodone, fentanyl, naloxone. Opioid drugs... more

Some fabrics and fibers maybe hazardous to your health. The pantie liners may contain these harmful substaance. Like polyester, rayon, acrylic and nylon. If these fibers are in your pantie liner your health can be at risk. Can cause... more

Psychologist said Trump Presidency may have cause increase in stress that is a Public Health problem. Stress can kill. In on poll it showed that the stress level for people has increased from 2016-2017. This is a Public Health concern. Tonight... more

Women are living longer and healthier then men. How often do men have health check up compare to women? Do women care about their over all health compare to men? Join us tonight with Host Paulette Young and guess Selena Lindsey... more

No one knowes exactly what causes fibromyalgia. Is it our diet or lack of sleep or are we staying too busy? Fibromyalgia affects 5 million Americans 18 years old or older. 80 to 90% of the cases are women. Men and children can be... more

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