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  • 00:17

    Episode 397: Who We WANT To Be--Esther

    in Christianity

    In our current series exploring biblical figures we want to be (or know we can learn from), we'll explore what it would have been like to be Esther (from the biblical book of the same name).  Esther lived centuries before Jesus and thousands of years before us, and yet so much of her faith-story is like ours.  Like Esther, we often struggle (and stumble) through our discernment of what God is calling us to do or how our faith is leading us to act, and also like Esther we each have to wrestle with how to use the platforms and privileges we have for the sake of others who are endangered, as well as knowing how and when to speak up.  If you've ever wished for a note on your pillow from God but instead had to learn to recognize God's direction in the counsel of others and the calling in your consicence, then this conversation might be a helpful one for you!  Join pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve around the microphone for this week's episode of Crazy Faith Talk!

  • The Word and prayer through the eyes of a lay person Elder Mary

    in Spirituality

    The Word and prayer through the eyes of a lay person Elder Mary
    Come and hear the Spoken Word and pray at noon.
    1 Peter 3:12 - "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil." 3. 1 John 5:15 - "And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him
    I invite you to call (646) 668-8217) and join in the conversation with your understandings and suggestions Also, By Computer Radio Station Link -blogtalkradio.com/crowntalkingdrums

  • 00:27

    Arizona Facts of Life

    in Dads and Family

    On today's show, we discuss Arizona Facts of Life with Yolanda Robinson.Yolanda grew up in a poverty stricken area, did not graduate high school, and became a teen mother. Despite all of this, she persevered and was inspired to start Arizona Facts Of Life (AZFOL) after she spent 8 years in the social services field observing the needs of today’s youth while drawing from her own experiences. During her time in social services she has beaten the odds stacked against her from being a teen mom. She earned her GED and made the decision to attend college, earning her Bachelors of Science degree in Family and Human Development from Arizona State University. Yolanda is utilizing her past experiences and observations through Arizona Facts of Life. She uses her past experiences in every facet of her organization in an attempt to make the young ladies understand the importance of education and that success is also possible in their lives  
    Guest Speaker Information: Yolanda Robinson, Founder and Executive Director Email: yrobinson@azfactsoflife.org  website : http://azfactsoflife.org  

  • 01:00

    Chakras – the second most valuable thing in all of existence: Part 1

    in Spirituality

    This remarkable statement by Dr. George King extends beyond human existence to the cosmos as a whole. In this Part 1 episode, Richard and Chrissie will explore what it means to life at a macrocosmic level, as well as to us all as individuals at a microcosmic level.
    Drawing on unprecedented revelations made by Dr. King from his mastery of Kundalini Yoga, as well as less advanced personal realisations, they will throw light on a subject which affects every one of us every second of every day.
    Amidst an abundance of teachings, some of ancient provenance and others more recently of speculative or even spurious content, this much-needed episode will be grounded in genuine experience and cosmic truth.

  • THOE Presents Sister Donna Deckard

    in Religion

    The House of Ephraim Show

  • Richard Miller Report September. 17

    in Sports

    Richard Miller Report September 17 

  • Toxic Relationships

    in Education

    Continuation od toxic relationships


    in Spirituality

    It's time 12:00pm PST/3pm EST to join Brother Malcolm  and Sister Carolyn Kelly share insights about their travels on the inward journey. Listen to them discuss a new 21st century self-help Enlightenism spiritual freedom philosophy.  Enlightenism is the power and clarity that leads us to the Greater Power of God within. The God within is Consciousness. Begin the inward journey and open the portal that leads to spiritual freedom. Step into Enlightenism! 
    Brother Malcolm Kelly, M.A. is a Spiritual Freedom  Philosopher and author.  Sister Carolyn Kelly is a renowned Enlightenism practitioner, Counselor, and Teacher who conducts Spiritual self-help training and meditations.  (Copyright © protected material).
    Brother Malcolm Kelly's Power of the Mind. ENLIGHTENISM INSIGHTS: STEP INTO YOUR POWER |Tuesday, September 17, 2024, | 12:00 pm PST/3:00 pm EST | Listen Online:  http://tobtr.com/12369603 | Call-In: (773) 897-6543

  • Training Day / Teacher Min Richard Overall / Day 200

    in Christianity

    I was listening to a Chinese minister one day. His name was Watchman Nee. His message was called "Expected Christian Life". It wasn't what I thought it would be, because he wasn't talking about our life today. He was talking about life when Jesus returns and reigns on Earth. I only know two ministers to speak on that. In one case the pastor was verbally attacked. In the other case ignored. So I attempt to answer the Whys of life. Like why does God let Satan run loose? Why was I born? Why do I have to pray? Pay tithes, give an offering? Why is life so hard at times? All the answers are in the Bible. 

  • Freedom isn't Just a Wide-open Space with guest Anita Waggoner

    in Self Help

    Join me with guest Anita Waggoner talking about how she gained freedom like she'd never known before and how you can also. Anita writes books and screenplays with an interest in producing films based on her writings. Her life experiences have been important in penning her successful works.  She has received numerous accolades and honors for her books and script writing capabilities. Anita's latest book, Dakota Wells, was released on September 8, 2024, it's an epic, historical saga that chronicles the lives of two wealthy Texas families spanning generations from the late 19th century to modern day. 
    Anita's website: http://www.freedommovieproject.com

  • 00:59

    9-17-24 Distress In The Land Pt.XII

    in Religion

    9-17-24 Distress In The Land Pt.XII